[2021-04-16 16:14:08.001][|][quartz-scheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread] ERROR o.s.s.q.LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool:runInThread:84 - Task has been rejected by TaskExecutor
org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException: Executor [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@ef3310e[Running, pool size = 50, active threads = 50, queued tasks = 100, completed tasks = 20]] did not accept task: org.quartz.core.JobRunShell@5841bfb6
at org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.java:324)
at org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool.runInThread(LocalTaskExecutorThreadPool.java:80)
at org.quartz.core.QuartzSchedulerThread.run(QuartzSchedulerThread.java:398)
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task org.quartz.core.JobRunShell@5841bfb6 rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@ef3310e[Running, pool size = 50, active threads = 50, queued tasks = 100, completed tasks = 20]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:2063)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:830)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1379)
at org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.java:321)
… 2 common frames omitted
[2021-04-16 16:14:08.001][|][quartz-scheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread] ERROR o.quartz.core.QuartzSchedulerThread:run:403 - ThreadPool.runInThread() return false!
于是查找相关代码,可以看到有一共有四处修改状态为 ERROR 的代码。其中由于 retrieveJob 导致的错误暂时排除,因为 DB 中 Trigger 的数据都是高度相似的。如果是这里出了问题,那么一定是大批量的出现错误,而非个别任务。继续查找,找到如下逻辑:
JobRunShell shell = null;
try {
// 创建触发器执行环境
shell = qsRsrcs.getJobRunShellFactory().createJobRunShell(bndle);
} catch (SchedulerException se) {
qsRsrcs.getJobStore().triggeredJobComplete(triggers.get(i), bndle.getJobDetail(), Trigger.CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_ERROR);
// 提交执行并检查提交结果
if (qsRsrcs.getThreadPool().runInThread(shell) == false) {
// this case should never happen, as it is indicative of the
// scheduler being shutdown or a bug in the thread pool or
// a thread pool being used concurrently - which the docs
// say not to do...
getLog().error("ThreadPool.runInThread() return false!");
qsRsrcs.getJobStore().triggeredJobComplete(triggers.get(i), bndle.getJobDetail(), Trigger.CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_ERROR);
public void run() {
int acquiresFailed = 0;
while (!halted.get()) {
try {
// do some process states check
int availThreadCount = qsRsrcs.getThreadPool().blockForAvailableThreads();
if(availThreadCount > 0) { // will always be true, due to semantics of blockForAvailableThreads...
List<OperableTrigger> triggers;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
triggers = qsRsrcs.getJobStore().acquireNextTriggers(
now + idleWaitTime, Math.min(availThreadCount, qsRsrcs.getMaxBatchSize()), qsRsrcs.getBatchTimeWindow());
acquiresFailed = 0;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("batch acquisition of " + (triggers == null ? 0 : triggers.size()) + " triggers");
} catch (JobPersistenceException jpe) {
// do exception process
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// do exception process
if (triggers != null && !triggers.isEmpty()) {
now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long triggerTime = triggers.get(0).getNextFireTime().getTime();
long timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;
while(timeUntilTrigger > 2) {
synchronized (sigLock) {
if (halted.get()) {
if (!isCandidateNewTimeEarlierWithinReason(triggerTime, false)) {
try {
// we could have blocked a long while
// on 'synchronize', so we must recompute
now = System.currentTimeMillis();
timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;
if(timeUntilTrigger >= 1)
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
if(releaseIfScheduleChangedSignificantly(triggers, triggerTime)) {
now = System.currentTimeMillis();
timeUntilTrigger = triggerTime - now;
// do some check
if(goAhead) {
try {
List<TriggerFiredResult> res = qsRsrcs.getJobStore().triggersFired(triggers);
if(res != null)
bndles = res;
} catch (SchedulerException se) {
// do exception process
for (int i = 0; i < bndles.size(); i++) {
TriggerFiredResult result = bndles.get(i);
TriggerFiredBundle bndle = result.getTriggerFiredBundle();
Exception exception = result.getException();
// do some check
JobRunShell shell = null;
try {
shell = qsRsrcs.getJobRunShellFactory().createJobRunShell(bndle);
} catch (SchedulerException se) {
qsRsrcs.getJobStore().triggeredJobComplete(triggers.get(i), bndle.getJobDetail(), CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_ERROR);
if (qsRsrcs.getThreadPool().runInThread(shell) == false) {
// this case should never happen, as it is indicative of the
// scheduler being shutdown or a bug in the thread pool or
// a thread pool being used concurrently - which the docs
// say not to do...
getLog().error("ThreadPool.runInThread() return false!");
qsRsrcs.getJobStore().triggeredJobComplete(triggers.get(i), bndle.getJobDetail(), CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_ERROR);
continue; // while (!halted)
} else { // if(availThreadCount > 0)
// should never happen, if threadPool.blockForAvailableThreads() follows contract
continue; // while (!halted)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long waitTime = now + getRandomizedIdleWaitTime();
long timeUntilContinue = waitTime - now;
synchronized(sigLock) {
try {
if(!halted.get()) {
// QTZ-336 A job might have been completed in the mean time and we might have
// missed the scheduled changed signal by not waiting for the notify() yet
// Check that before waiting for too long in case this very job needs to be
// scheduled very soon
if (!isScheduleChanged()) {
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
} catch(RuntimeException re) {
getLog().error("Runtime error occurred in main trigger firing loop.", re);
} // while (!halted)
// drop references to scheduler stuff to aid garbage collection...
qs = null;
qsRsrcs = null;
这段是 Quartz 调度线程的主要逻辑,注意其中的这段:
triggers = qsRsrcs.getJobStore().acquireNextTriggers(
now + idleWaitTime, Math.min(availThreadCount, qsRsrcs.getMaxBatchSize()), qsRsrcs.getBatchTimeWindow());
这里可以看到,Quartz 每次从 DB 拉取的任务数量与线程池的可用线程数和一个参数 MaxBatchSize有关。根据查阅到的一些文章,说此处 Quartz 会每次拉取线程数个任务。因此怀疑这里是由于工作线程池的线程数量过大,导致任务都被一台机器拉取,导致的负载不均衡。于是尝试调小线程池的参数,来缓解拉取任务过多的问题。这里要说下,这个怀疑是错误的!让我误入歧途。具体原因会在后面说明。
同步加锁延迟。当 Quartz 使用DB作为集群持久化存储的场景下,为了保证调度秩序,避免重复调度或漏调度,每一次 DB 操作都要进行加锁。而每次调度时,需要先从 DB 读取要触发的 Trigger 信息并更新状态为 ACQUIRED,然后在将要触发时更新状态到 EXECUTING,之后才会向工作线程池提交任务。虽然在读取 Trigger 信息的时候大部分操作都不是批量进行的,但是加锁操作是针对一批任务的。考虑到正常的 DB 读写耗时在 5~10ms 左右,如果不进行批量操作的话,按照 50 个任务一批计算,每一批的加锁时间就白白增加了 250~500ms。因此,进行批量拉取可以有效的减小 DB 加锁操作带来的调度延迟。同时,考虑到锁的竞争会导致线程等待,批量加锁操作还可以有效的降低锁争抢,提升整体效率。如果业务场景对调度延迟比较敏感,应考虑使用性能更好的独立 DB 实例,并尽量降低 Quartz 实例到 DB 之间的网络延迟;
CPU调度延迟。当调度线程将任务提交给工作线程池后,工作线程池中的线程最终还需要依赖 CPU 时间片来执行,若调度机器的 CPU 负载较高,或线程池数量不合理,那么线程在真正被 CPU 执行前将会有较大等待。为了尽量减少这里的执行延迟,应将工作线程池部署在 CPU 核数较多且负载不高的机器上。同时应该合理设置工作线程数量,避免一次性触发过多任务。
The Kapacitor 你懂的 agent uses the golang HTTP client, so you can set that with the environment variables $http_proxy (or $https_proxy). As for SMTP, we don’t currently have logic in place for that, but that sounds like a great feature request.
The InetAddress class has a cache to store successful as well as unsuccessful host name resolutions.
By default, when a security manager is installed, in order to protect against DNS spoofing attacks, the result of positive host name resolutions are cached forever. When a security manager is not installed, the default behavior is to cache entries for a finite (implementation dependent) period of time. The result of unsuccessful host name resolution is cached for a very short period of time (10 seconds) to improve performance.
If the default behavior is not desired, then a Java security property can be set to a different Time-to-live (TTL) value for positive caching. Likewise, a system admin can configure a different negative caching TTL value when needed.
Two Java security properties control the TTL values used for positive and negative host name resolution caching:
Indicates the caching policy for successful name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as as integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the successful lookup. The default setting is to cache for an implementation specific period of time.A value of -1 indicates “cache forever”.
networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl (default: 10)
Indicates the caching policy for un-successful name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as as integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the failure for un-successful lookups.A value of 0 indicates “never cache”. A value of -1 indicates “cache forever”.
简单来说,在默认情况下,成功解析到 IP 的解析结果会被永久缓存,而解析失败的结果会被缓存 10s。
虽然在一般情况下,这个缓存有利于提高系统的效率,减少网络交互。但是当我们依赖 DNS 进行负载均衡的时候,就会出现问题了。
# The Java-level namelookup cache policy for successful lookups:
# any negative value: caching forever
# any positive value: the number of seconds to cache an address for
# zero: do not cache
# default value is forever (FOREVER). For security reasons, this
# caching is made forever when a security manager is set. When a security
# manager is not set, the default behavior in this implementation
# is to cache for 30 seconds.
# NOTE: setting this to anything other than the default value can have
# serious security implications. Do not set it unless
# you are sure you are not exposed to DNS spoofing attack.
# The Java-level namelookup cache policy for failed lookups:
# any negative value: cache forever
# any positive value: the number of seconds to cache negative lookup results
# zero: do not cache
# In some Microsoft Windows networking environments that employ
# the WINS name service in addition to DNS, name service lookups
# that fail may take a noticeably long time to return (approx. 5 seconds).
# For this reason the default caching policy is to maintain these
# results for 10 seconds.
sun.net.inetaddr.ttlThis is a Oracle JDK private system property which corresponds to networkaddress.cache.ttl. It takes the same value and has the same meaning, but can be set as a command-line option. However, the preferred way is to use the security property mentioned above.
sun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttlThis is a Oracle JDK private system property which corresponds to networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl. It takes the same value and has the same meaning, but can be set as a command-line option. However, the preferred way is to use the security property mentioned above.
If any execution of the task encounters an exception, subsequent executions are suppressed. Otherwise, the task will only terminate via cancellation or termination of the executor. If any execution of this task takes longer than its period, then subsequent executions may start late, but will not concurrently execute.
* Overrides FutureTask version so as to reset/requeue if periodic.
public void run() {
boolean periodic = isPeriodic();
if (!canRunInCurrentRunState(periodic))
else if (!periodic)
else if (ScheduledFutureTask.super.runAndReset()) {
注意最后一个 if 语句。当 Task 执行出错的时候, runAndReset 的返回值为 False,所以 if 里面的内容不会执行,因此这个 task 就不会被放回队列,也就再也不会被执行了。
runAndReset 方法的代码如下:
* Executes the computation without setting its result, and then
* resets this future to initial state, failing to do so if the
* computation encounters an exception or is cancelled. This is
* designed for use with tasks that intrinsically execute more
* than once.
* @return {@code true} if successfully run and reset
protected boolean runAndReset() {
if (state != NEW ||
!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, runnerOffset,
null, Thread.currentThread()))
return false;
boolean ran = false;
int s = state;
try {
Callable c = callable;
if (c != null && s == NEW) {
try {
c.call(); // don't set result
ran = true;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
} finally {
// runner must be non-null until state is settled to
// prevent concurrent calls to run()
runner = null;
// state must be re-read after nulling runner to prevent
// leaked interrupts
s = state;
return ran && s == NEW;
注意其中的 setException 方法。这个方法会把 state 设置成出现异常的状态:
* Causes this future to report an {@link ExecutionException}
* with the given throwable as its cause, unless this future has
* already been set or has been cancelled.
This method is invoked internally by the {@link #run} method
* upon failure of the computation.
* @param t the cause of failure
protected void setException(Throwable t) {
if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, stateOffset, NEW, COMPLETING)) {
outcome = t;
UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, stateOffset, EXCEPTIONAL); // final state
this.tasks = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {
final AtomicInteger TID = new AtomicInteger(0);
final String GROUP_NAME = "TPWS-" + GID.getAndIncrement();
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
return new Thread(r, GROUP_NAME + TID.getAndIncrement());
查看 Executors 的创建线程池的方法:
* Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but
* will reuse previously constructed threads when they are
* available, and uses the provided
* ThreadFactory to create new threads when needed.
* @param threadFactory the factory to use when creating new threads
* @return the newly created thread pool
* @throws NullPointerException if threadFactory is null
public static ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue(),
If this is true Tomcat will allow ‘=‘ characters when parsing unquoted cookie values. If false, cookie values containing ‘=‘ will be terminated when the ‘=‘ is encountered and the remainder of the cookie value will be dropped.
If not specified, the default value specification compliant value of false will be used.
If this is false then the requirements of the cookie specifications that cookies must have values will be enforced and cookies consisting only of a name but no value will be ignored.
If not specified, the default specification compliant value of false will be used.
If this is true Tomcat will always add an expires parameter to a SetCookie header even for cookies with version greater than zero. This is to work around a known IE6 and IE7 bug that causes IE to ignore the Max-Age parameter in a SetCookie header.
If org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE is set to true, the default of this setting will be false, else the default value will be true.
If this is true then the / (forward slash) character will be treated as a separator. Note that this character is frequently used in cookie path attributes and some browsers will fail to process a cookie if the path attribute is quoted as is required by a strict adherence to the specifications. This is highly likely to break session tracking using cookies.
If org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE is set to true, the default of this setting will be true, else the default value will be false.