csgoserver: Counter Strike: Global Offensive Linux Server Manager


About csgoserver

csgoserver is a command line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of a Counter Strike: Global Offensive Linux dedicated server.

Current Version: 251213

Main features

  • Server installer (SteamCMD)
  • Start/Stop/Restart server
  • Server updater (SteamCMD)
  • Server monitor (including email notification)
  • Server backup
  • Server console


The Linux Server Manager is tested to work on the following Linux systems.

  • Debian based distros (Ubuntu, Mint etc.)
  • Redhat based distros (CentOS, Fedora etc.)

The scripts are written in BASH and Python and would probably work with other distros.


The installer will automatically download and configure a Counter Strike: Global Offensive server.


Before installing, please ensure you have all the dependencies required to run the script.


Ubuntu 32-bit

apt-get install gdb mailutils postfix

Ubuntu 64-bit

apt-get install gdb mailutils postfix lib32gcc1


Debian 32-bit

apt-get install gdb mailutils postfix tmux ca-certificates

Debian 64-bit

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install gdb mailutils postfix tmux ca-certificates lib32gcc1

RHEL 6/CentOS 6

Note: EPEL repository or equivalent is required.

RHEL 6/CentOS 6 32-bit

yum install gdb mailx wget nano tmux

RHEL 6/CentOS 6 64-bit

yum install gdb mailx wget nano tmux glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686


1. Create a user and login

adduser csgoserver
passwd csgoserver
su - csgoserver

2. Download the script

wget https://raw.github.com/dgibbs64/linuxgameservers/master/CounterStrikeGlobalOffensive/csgoserver

3. Make it executable

chmod +x csgoserver

4. Run the installer and follow the instructions

./csgoserver install


Running the server

Start the server

./csgoserver start

Stop the server

./csgoserver stop

Restart the server

./csgoserver restart

Updating the server

The server can be updated automatically using SteamCMD. The update option will stop the server, run the SteamCMD update and start the server again.

./csgoserver update

Monitoring the server

The script can monitor the server to ensure it is online. Should the server go offline, the monitor will attempt to start it again.

./csgoserver monitor

Note: see Automation on how to get monitor to run automatically.

Game Server Query Plugin

The Game Server Query plugin adds improved monitoring over the standard monitoring feature.

gsquery.py query’s the server to see if it responds with its server details. If it fails to respond the server will be restarted.

This is particularly useful for if a server has locked or frozen but the server instance/process is still running.

Install Game Server Query Plugin

Download gsquery.py to the same directory as the main script.

wget https://raw.github.com/dgibbs64/linuxgameservers/master/GameServerQuery/gsquery.py

Make it executable

chmod +x gsquery.py

To test is works run monitor and it will state that gsquery.py was detected.

Email notification

Monitoring can send you an email, should the server go offline, and report details of the issue. See example email below:


Enable email notification

nano csgoserver
# Notification Email
# (on|off)

Test email notification

You can test email notifications are working without restarting the server.

./csgoserver email-test

Debug mode

Use debug mode to help you if you are having issues with the server. Debug allows you to see the output of the server directly to your terminal allowing you to diagnose any problems the server might be having.

./csgoserver debug

Server Details

If you need to get all main server details you can use the following command.
You will be given the following details if applicable to your server:

  • Server Name
  • Server Ports
  • Rcon Password
  • WebAdmin Username
  • WebAdmin Password

This can be very useful if you have forgotten your servers details.

./cgsoserver details

Console mode

Console allows you to view the live console of a server as it is running and allow you to enter commands to it.

./csgoserver console

To exit the console press “CTRL+b d”
Note: pressing “CTRL+c” will terminate the server


Backup will allow you to create a complete gzip archive of the whole server.

This is designed to allow you to backup before making changes to the server just in case there is a problem.

Note: this is not designed to be an automated backup solution

./csgoserver backup


You can use cronjobs to automate the process of updating and monitoring the server. You can either run the cronjob as root or as the csgoserver user.

Server update

Update the server at 5am daily.

Root Cronjob

crontab -e
0       5       *       *       *  su – csgoserver -c ‘/home/csgoserver/csgoserver update’ > /dev/null 2>&1

csgoserver Cronjob

crontab -e
0       5       *       *       *  /home/csgoserver/csgoserver update > /dev/null 2>&1

Server Monitor

Check every 5 mins is the server is online.

Root Cronjob

crontab -e
*/5       *       *       *       *  su - csgoserver -c '/home/csgoserver/csgoserver monitor' > /dev/null 2>&1

csgoserver Cronjob

crontab -e
*/5       *       *       *       *  /home/csgoserver/csgoserver monitor > /dev/null 2>&1


Start parameters

If you need to adjust the start parameters you can edit the ‘parms’ variable under ‘Start vars’ in the script.

parms="-game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map ${defaultmap}"

See this link for all available start parameters.

Config File

The server has a default config file that will allow you to edit many different settings.

To find the config file use the details command.

./csgoserver details

Default ports

Gameport (Inbound): 27015 UDP
Source TV (Inbound): 27020 UDP
Client Port (Outbound): 27005 UDP

Should you need to change the port edit the start variables and amend the port to meet your requirements.


Multiple Servers

It is possible to run multiple server instances.

I recommend repeating the installation however create a second user account and change the default ports.

Running as root

The script will not run as root and will error if you try. This is for security and to stop permissions issues. For example, if you run update as root any changed files are then owned by root. This means the csgoserver user will be unable to access the updated files causing the server to fail.

Useful Resources

Here are some useful resources that will help with management and configuration of your server.

Server wiki article: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers
CLI options wiki article: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options
SteamCMD wiki article: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD

Issues and troubleshooting

If you find a bug or have a suggestion please submit a bug report on GitHub .


If you have a question about the server that is not related to the script please check the games official website.


If you are having issues getting the script to work you probably haven’t followed the instructions correctly. If you are sure you have then please leave a comment below.


This script is developed using GitHub you can view the full project here:


Further notes

This script is free to use and you are welcome to customise and change it. I hope the script makes it easier to manage a Counter Strike: Global Offensive server.


Found my work helpful? Show your appreciation. Please consider donating and help cover my server costs.

PayPal: me@danielgibbs.co.uk

Spread the Word

You can help by spreading the word by letting people know about this script.
Tell your friends, Tweet, Facebook, post on forums or write a blog post.

Also I am interested to know if you are using using this script tweet me.


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 csgoserver: Counter Strike: Global Offensive Linux Server Manager by 桔子小窝 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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