什么是 ALPN(应用层协议协商) What is ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation)

在没有启用 ALPN 的时候,加载一个 HTTP/2 页面的步骤是:

Without ALPN, the steps to load a HTTP/2 page would be like:

  1. TLS 握手 (TLS handshake)
  2. 浏览器/客户端 发送带有 “Upgrade: h2c” 头的 HTTP/1.1 请求 (Browser/Client speaks HTTP/1.1 to server with “Upgrade: h2c” Header)
  3. 服务器回复 101 Switching 并将链接升级至 HTTP2 (Server responds with 101 Switching to upgrade to HTTP2)
  4. 现在服务器和客户端采用 HTTP2 协议交流 (Now they talks via HTTP2)

在启用了 (更多…)


在使用 Excel 的时候经常会遇到需要创建目录的情况。如果工作表不多的话还好,表一多创建起来就比较麻烦。所以这里就记录一个用宏自动创建目录的方法。


Sub mulu()
    On Error GoTo Tuichu
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim ShtCount As Integer
    Dim SelectionCell As Range
    ShtCount = Worksheets.Count
    If ShtCount = 0 Or ShtCount = 1 Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For i = 1 To ShtCount
        If (更多…)